Auditory Processing Disorders

Think you may be suffering from hearing loss?
48 million Americans suffer from some degree of hearing loss.
Take our Hearing Self-Assessment Quiz to find out if you have accepted your hearing loss as a difficult reality, and if it is truly time to seek help from Audiology professionals.
Take the Hearing Quiz Now!Auditory processing is a term used to describe how your brain recognizes and interprets sound. It is when this process is somehow disrupted that a disorder is present. Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) affects the brain’s ability to process or interpret auditory information correctly.
After hearing loss or behavioral issues are ruled out, an auditory evaluation can be done to determine if a person has APD. We do not offer direct APD testing at our office, but we have a wonderful relationship with a local Audiologist who does APD testing. Ruling out hearing loss is your first step. Testing begins at age of 8.
Signs of APD:
- Difficulty hearing in background noise
- Often has normal hearing
- Difficulty following complex oral instructions
- Varied response to auditory stimuli
- Appearance of day dreaming
- Easily distracted, impulsive, and frustrated when too much noise is present.
- Says “huh?”, even after several repetitions
- Difficulty with reading and spelling
- Appearance of not listening
Don't Wait - Request Your Personal Consultation!
Schedule your visit with our dedicated audiology care professionals today. Our professional hearing loss team is treating Louisiana patients now in Lafayette and Abbeville.
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